
English & Bible Exams

On your own and apply what you have learned. Perform the assignments below. Post your results to your blog page. Your submission deadline is 16:00h.  Read and record your assigned Bible Passage (NIV version) in English Study your assigned Bible passage in your preferred language. Use the steps you have learned. Write a 2-page (A4) essay in Vietnamese about what you learned from this passage and how you will apply that lesson(s) in your life. Be practical about your application. Your font size must be 12 and your line spacing must be set to 1.15   Who Summary Bible Passage Read & Record Qua The healing of a lame man Acts 3:1-26 Acts 3:1-5 Truong The Arrest and Trial of Peter and John Acts 4:1-31 Acts 4:1-10 Phu The Judgment on Ananias and Sapphira Acts 5:1-11 Acts 5:1-2 Sinh Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Acts 8:26-40 Acts 8:26-28 Cha The Conversion of Saul Acts 9:1-22 Acts 9:1-3 Rinh The Jerusalem Council Acts 15:1-29 Acts 15:1-10

Homework for 03-06-2024

  Practice reading  Mark 1:1-8 Use your Bible app to listen to Mark 1:1-8 Read out loud and record yourself using Google Translate Google translate must be able to recognize your speech Record yourself reading Mark 1:1-8 Upload the recorded file to your Blog Apply the inductive Bible study steps you have learned on Mark 6:45-52 Go to Click on Create a new free account Complete the Beginner's course 

Project Work - Easter Outreach

 Create following elements for a children Easter outreach event: A purpose document describing (1 page): Why your church should have an Easter outreach for the children in your neighborhood The vision you have for the Easter Outreach What is your Easter theme How you plan to reach out to the children in the community What games you plan play How will you present the Gospel How will you follow up with the children ... A flyer/poster for the Easter outreach consistent with your theme A Google Sheet to estimate the costs and resources your need for the outreach. The table must contain for example costs for material, games, food, rental equipments, helpers, etc.  A Google Forms invitation for signing up to the Easter outreach. The responses must be stored in a Google Sheet document. The responses should help you in your planing A Google Slides Gospel presentation with text, pictures, animation and you should be ready to share the Gospel. A video to promote the event and upload to ...

Homework for 03-05-2024

Practice reading  Mark 1:1-6 Use your Bible app to listen to Mark 1:1-6 Read out loud and record yourself using Google Translate Google translate must be able to recognize your speech Record yourself reading Mark 1:1-6 Upload the recorded file to your Blog Upload your music video to your YouTube channel and post your YouTube link on your blog Complete your Google Form homework if not done and post your form on your blog Apply the inductive Bible study steps you have learned on Mark 6:30-44

Homework 03-04-2024

Practice reading  Mark 1:1-5 Use your Bible app to listen to Mark 1:1-5 Read out loud and record yourself using Google Translate Google translate must be able to recognize your speech Record yourself reading Mark 1:1-5 Upload the recorded file to your Blog Apply the inductive Bible study steps you have learned on Mark 6:7-13 Complete the  Google Sheet Challenges  and upload your work to your blog Complete the  Google Slides Challenges  and upload your work to your blog Create a Google Slides Presentation to teach your Bible passage to children Upload your presentation to your blog  Your Bible passage assignment is shown below: Mác 1:40-45 Rinh Mác 2:1-12 Truong Mác 2:13-17 Phu Mác 2:23-28 Qua Mác 3:20-30 Cha Mác 5:21-43 Sinh

Google Slides Challenge

 Text Basic Challenge Adding Pictures and Shapes Challenge Transitions and Animation Challenge 

Homework for 03-01-2024

Apply the inductive Bible study steps you have learned on Mark 5:21-43 Practice reading  Mark 1:1-4 Use your Bible app to listen to Mark 1:1-4 Read out loud and record yourself using Google Translate Google translate must be able to recognize your speech Record yourself reading Mark 1:1-4 Upload the recorded file to your Blog Practice the following songs. Record yourself singing the song and upload both videos to your Blog I have decided to follow Jesus I Surrender All